At Cuthbert & Jones Engineering Associates Limited, we offer state-of-the-art Water Treatment equipment that is highly efficient at producing potable water. Our equipment incorporates advanced technology for optimal water purification, ensuring that the final product meets the highest standards of cleanliness and safety. We understand that clients may have varying water treatment needs, and as such, our equipment can be tailored to meet their requirements. Whether it's for industrial, commercial, or residential use, our Water Treatment Equipment can be customized to effectively treat water of varying levels of contamination and hardness.
Transmission and Utilities
Cuthbert and Jones stands out as a leader in water systems, making us the preferred choice for fast-track and complex projects. Our designs consider initial capital cost, total life cycle cost, low operations and maintenance (O&M) expenses, reliability, and resilience. We tailor our solutions to meet your unique requirements and provide comprehensive support, including construction management, startup, and O&M services.
Specific Services
Water conveyance
Pump stations and intakes
Master planning
Condition assessment
Energy studies
Hydraulic analysis
Operations studies
Route studies
Surge modeling
Water Treatment
Cuthbert and Jones offers Water Purification and Resource Recovery services, also known as Water Treatment, to individuals, governments, communities, businesses, and organizations throughout Jamaica. We frequently serve as program managers or design consultants for water and wastewater treatment projects, achieving millions of gallons per day in total treatment capacity for our clients. Our expertise includes leading planning studies, designing plants, and providing construction phase and startup/commissioning services for advanced water and water reuse treatment systems.
Specific Services
Water Purification (Water Treatment)
Indirect/direct potable reuse for water supply augmentation
Brackish groundwater and seawater desalination
Conventional groundwater treatment
Conventional and advanced surface water treatment
Energy use optimization for membrane systems
Membrane filtration
Chlorine, chloramine, ozone and UV disinfection
Chemical optimization
Disinfection byproduct control
Distribution system water quality
Lead and copper rule compliance
Enhanced coagulation and sedimentation
Chemical feed and scrubbers
Softening, lime addition and recarbonation
Taste and odor control
Water supply and source water protection
PFAS treatment