Cuthbert & Jones Engineering Associates Limited provides state-of-the-art wastewater treatment equipment that is highly efficient in removing common contaminants found in raw sewage. Our equipment represents the best in class in wastewater treatment, ensuring that the water is thoroughly cleaned and safe for disposal or reuse. The advanced technology incorporated in our wastewater treatment facilities ensures for a comprehensive treatment process that effectively removes a wide range of contaminants, including organic and inorganic substances, bacteria, and viruses. This high level of efficiency ensures that our clients can meet the strictest environmental standards and regulations.
Transmission and Utilities
Cuthbert and Jones stands out as a leader in water and wastewater systems, making us the preferred choice for fast-track and complex projects. Our designs consider initial capital cost, total life cycle cost, low operations and maintenance (O&M) expenses, reliability, and resilience. We tailor our solutions to meet your unique requirements and provide comprehensive support, including construction management, startup, and O&M services.
Specific Services
Wastewater collection
Interceptors and force mains
Meter stations
Lift stations
Master planning
Condition assessment
Trenchless technology rehabilitation
Inverted siphon modeling and design
Manhole rehabilitation
Odor and corrosion evaluation and control
Wastewater Treatment
Cuthbert and Jones offers Water Purification and Resource Recovery services, also known as Wastewater Treatment, to individuals, governments, communities, businesses, and organizations throughout Jamaica. We frequently serve as program managers or design consultants for water and wastewater treatment projects, achieving millions of gallons per day in total treatment capacity for our clients. Our expertise includes leading planning studies, designing plants, and providing construction phase and startup/commissioning services for advanced water, wastewater, and water reuse treatment systems.
Specific Services
Resource Recovery (Wastewater Treatment)
Water reclamation and reuse
Conventional activated sludge and high rate activated sludge systems
Integrated film-activated sludge (IFAS), moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBR) and membrane aerated bioreactors (MABR)
Biological and chemical phosphorus removal
Ammonia nitrification
Total nitrogen removal
Headworks, coarse and fine screening, and grit removal
Wastewater pumping systems
Primary clarification and high-rate primary treatment
Chemically enhanced primary treatment
Secondary clarification
Cloth media and conventional filtration
Chlorine, UV and hypochlorite disinfection
Anaerobic treatment and digestion
Aerobic digestion
Biosolids dewatering and drying
Class A biosolids treatment
Energy conservation and recovery
Biosolids regulations and residuals management
Industrial pretreatment and technically based local limits
Peak flow management, storage and treatment
Plant upratings
PFAS treatment